6 Best Ways To Take Care Of Kids During Lockdown

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By Dimple Kumar on 28 May 2020 |
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6 Best Ways To Take Care Of Kids During Lockdown

COVID-19 had changed lives of all living beings. From developed nations to developing nations, all are affected with this. WHO has said ‘lockdown’ or ‘isolation’ is the only way to protect oneself from this Corona Virus? This means no social gatherings, no going out, we just have to stay at our homes. But all this time it is very difficult for parents to make their kids understand of this pandemic situation.

No going to schools and playgrounds, all this making kid restless while staying home. So, what your parents can do, for kids take care during this lockdown, we will tell you in this article. While staying at home during COVID-19, how to take care of your kids and at the same time how to entertain them.

Here Are 6 Ways To Do So

1. Online Interactive Learning
Now a days there are so many online games through which kids can learn as well as play games. Such games keep children engaged while staying home. These games help them learn numbers colours, vegetable and fruit names, etc, there are different animation technique are used in these games so they don’t even get bored and it helps them learn even more and, in this way, you can succeed in making them stay at home during this lockdown.

2. Try To Involve Them In Your Daily Chores Well
It is not like that you tell them to do dusting or cutting off vegetables for cooking. But something that is fun and engaging. Involve them with planting gardening, baking etc. while you are cooking tell them to arrange fruits or vegetables with knowing their names. This way they will be busy and learning at the same times.

3. Cook Their Favourite Dishes
During this lockdown it is impossible to go out. So, what you can do is cook your kid’s favourite dishes at home so they don’t crave more to go out. Cook something that will boost immunity naturally and also tastes good.

4. Be A Fun Parent
Yes, you all are working from home and very busy, but try to take out some time for your kids as you can play with them, read some stories for them, see some funny and animated movies with them. Make them realize that you are there not just to scold them but to enjoy with them as well.

5. Be Vigilant All The Time
This is the most important thing which makes you are perfect parents, be vigilant all the time, make sure they wash their hands every time before and after having the meals. They should drink a proper amount of water and juice during this period, make sure they eat only what is made in home, when you giving them fruits or anything, it should be thoroughly washed with water. Kids immunity is not that strong so parents you really need to be active and attentive all the time. Kids can be really naughty at times so make sure they are safe during this hard time.

6. Involve Them In Exercises
At this time is all about being healthy and safe, so it is really important to invest at least 15-20 minutes exercise or any sorts of physical activity, and while you are doing that you can search of some easy exercise for your kids on YouTube. So that with fun it will also have boosting your kid’s immunity and our all health.

Well above were few points for kids take care and store some love for your loved ones. Stay home during this difficult situation and be a good parents parenting is not that easy be all know but it is the most beautiful part of your life, so cherish this time and strong your bond and love with your kids.

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Dimple Kumar


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