Benefits of Learning Java Language

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By Makul Mehra on 01 Aug 2016 |
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Benefits of Learning Java Language

Java, described as general-purpose computer programming language was developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems. In 2009, Oracle Corporation took the ownership of Java and Solaris. Java Programming language is one of the best programming languages and is similar to C++. It is most widely used for Scientific Applications, Big Data technologies, client-server web applications, Software Tools, Android Apps, Software Tools, etc.

Key Features of Java Language:-

Write Once, Run Anywhere: As name describes Write Once, Run Anywhere. The main feature of the Java language is that Java can be developed on any device, and then it can be run anywhere meaning on any device equipped with a Java virtual machine.
Object-oriented: Java is an OOPL (Object-Oriented Programming Language), which supports the creation of reusable code and modular programs. Easy to Learn: The syntax of Java is simple. Java, when compared to other programming languages is considered as one of the easiest languages because it is easy to understand, debug, write and learn.

Performance: Java is considered as the fastest 3rd generation Programming language, similar to C++. It is an interpreted and portable language. Most of the Java programs run almost as C++ and non-portable C programs.

Multi-Threading: This feature of Java makes this language different from other languages and this feature of it is also known as Thread-based Multitasking. This language is Multi-Threading, means; it has ability to do more than one task at the same time.

Dynamic and Extensible Programs: Java programming language is both dynamic and Extensible. It is formulated in modular object-oriented units, which means a program can dynamically go on itself by loading the Java Classes. Scope of Java Language in IT Industry.

• Java language is comprised of lots of information, which helps developers to learn new technologies and provide them the opportunity to develop and improve their skills.

• Java Programming language is worldwide used computer language.

• Java developers get High paid salaries. They may earn from Rs 3, 00,000 to Rs. 10, 00,000 per year.

• Java is one of the most prevalent programming languages in use today; students can easily find work in both public and private organizations after learning this language.

Career of Java Language in India:-
In India, the scope of Java Programming is spreading rapidly and it provides opportunities to students to be the part of companies like TCS, Wipro, Diversant, and other multinational corporations .There are lots of Institutes providing Java coaching in Delhi.

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Makul Mehra


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Pinku Nandi

This is really a good information for JAVA beginners. They should keep in mind all these information discussed here. Thank you Makul. If you are looking for the JAVA training institute near your location then go to and find best JAVA training institute.

03 Oct 2018

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