Venice With Water

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By Rohit Khanna on 02 Aug 2012 |
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Venice With Water

Our body is unique like the city of Venice. Venice does not have concrete roads. They have complex interconnected systems of channels, canals and parking lots, all made up of water and water alone.

If the water level in this maze goes down by few inches, the water taxis, boats and canoes get stuck in the sand and traffic comes to a halt. If the water is allowed to thicken up by pollutants then the traffic is badly affected, just as it happens in our bodies.

Prevention is better than cure. Drink lots of water. You should at least four liters of water per day. But, don’t drink water with meals. When you consume water or other liquids alongside food, you are upsetting the chemical balance inside the stomach. The human body is basically an alkaline body. Maintaining the correct PH is important. Your body should have alkaline between 7.4 and 8.0. Cancer cells cannot survive in an alkaline and oxygenated environment.

Water is retained by the human body as:

• 66% inside the cells
• 26 % outside the cells
• 8% in our blood

Water is an essential liquid that our body needs to wash away the dead cells, toxins, and other pollutants.

Personally, to achieve this end, I drink two large glasses of Luke warm water whenever I wake up. This instantaneous colic reaction assists in flushing out my system. The second glass contains a dash of lemon juice and a spoon of flax seed and fiber each. This is my BROOM for sweeping the insides of my body. All day long I continue to drink magnetized water between meals only. Total intake adds up to 16 to 18 glasses per day and tapers off as the night approaches.

Water is required to back wash the salts deposited in the stomach lining. Water is needed to manufacture complex hormones, by your glands in the body. Therefore, drink lots of water before meals. Water is required to keep your blood fluid and flowing. Enzymes work more efficiently in solutions of high viscosity. The best ratio is 25 % solute in a solution.

Water is needed to replenish the winter steam, the moisture that escapes from your blood stream with every breath. A small clot, a microscopic obstruction or buildup in the arteries could be fatal.

Water is also needed by the intestines to keep the waste products wet and moving easily. Any stoppage in this section is very harmful. The sewage system of the body starts to seep into the blood stream, causing you to be sick and dead eventually.

Be active all day. Do yoga, and lots of brisk walking. The idea is to keep the blood clean and oxygenated, by deep breathing all the time with good fresh air. You can exercise with weights and go for jogging too. But while doing all this, you generate lots of LACTIC ACID in the muscles. Then the body has to get rid of this acid by working overtime. We need to keep our body in alkaline mode all the time.

Also remember to breathe through your nose when you go for deep breathing. 70 % of the people are mouth breathers. They breathe in, cold dirty air into the lungs and blood stream creating more problems. When you breathe through the nose you get clean warm air into your lungs.

Nose breathing generates NITRIC OXIDE gas, which gets dissolved in the blood and helps to dilate the microscopic capillaries and vessels when it reaches out in the remote and difficult body parts, especially the brain.

Water has numerous uses. It not only helps in the smooth working of your body systems; but also gives you beautiful skin. Drinking water kills the toxic elements present in your blood. Thus, you get a purified blood which results in glowing skin.

Rohit Khanna is the author of the book -- Magic Of The Mind & Miracle Of The Body. This article has been taken from his book.

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Rohit Khanna


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Where is Venice City, Is there any simple way to go there. Help us.

28 Oct 2015

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