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Top Railway Coaching in Chandigarh

Railway Coaching in Chandigarh
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Railway Coaching - Chandigarh

Make Your Career in Indian Railway

There are many jobs in Government sector for which you can apply after completion of graduation. Indian railway which is a central government service gives an opportunity to the different ranging students. You can make your career in the field of Railway after Graduation/12/10th.Indian Railways is the largest Railway network. This network has 17 different zones means it requires a large number of employees to handle the 17 different zones.


1. Central Railway (CR) - Mumbai
2. East Central Railway (ECR) - Hajipur
3. East Coast Railway (ECoR) - Bhubaneswar
4. Eastern Railway (ER) - Kolkata
5. North Central Railway (NCR) - Allahabad
6. North Eastern Railway (NER) - Gorakhpur
7. North Western Railway (NWR) - Jaipur
8. Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) - Guwahati
9. Northern Railway Railway (NR) - Delhi
10. South Central Railway (SCR) - Secunderabad
11. South East Central Railway (SECR) - Bilaspur
12. South Eastern Railway (SER) - Kolkata
13. South Western Railway (SWR) - Hubli
14. Southern Railway (SR) - Chennai
15. West Central Railway (WCR) - Jabalpur
16. Western Railway (WR) - Mumbai
17. Metro Railway, Kolkata - Kolkata

Every year RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) releases notifications to fill up many vacant vacancies, in all departments. If you want to make your career brighter then the career in Indian railway Board may be a better choice as compare to other departments because it provides the government jobs to the students even after Graduation/12/10th.

Railway coaching institutes in Chandigarh are famous for RRB Entrance Exam Coaching, ASM Exam Coaching, RTCG Exam Coaching, RRB NTPC Exam Coaching, RRCB Exam Coaching, Railway entrance Exam Coaching, RTCG coaching, ASM Coaching, RRB Exam Coaching, CDS Coaching, NDA Coaching and Bank PO Coaching. Railway Coaching in Chandigarh describing the different department in which you can make your Career in Indian Railway after Graduation/12/10th.
The recruitment of the staff of Railways is done by RRB (Railway Recruitment Board).There are two type’s recruitment’s Technical and Non-Technical.

•Technical Recruitment
•Non-Technical Recruitment

After Graduation:
Department of engineering services:-

a)Assistant engineers
b)Signal engineers
c)Section engineers
d)Assistant Station Master
e)Depot Material Superintendent
f)Junior Engineer
g)Electrical Divisional Engineer etc.

Department of account services:-

a)Chief Accounts Officers/Financial Advisors
b)Divisional Accounts Officer
c)Senior Divisional Accounts Officer

After 12th/10th:
Department of commercial division:-

a)Commercial clerk
b)Ticket checker
d)Lower division clerk
e)Ticket collector
f) TTI
g)Signal Maintainer
i)Railway constable
j)Railway driver

RRB Exam Pattern

1.Arithmetic Ability
2.Gen. Intelligence + Reasoning
3.General Awareness
4.General Science

Medical Test: This is the last and final step of Railway Selection Procedure. Candidates who qualify the written test and Interview should have to go through Medical Test. It is done to check the Visual Standards of applicant of-

•Distance Vision
•Near Vision
•Color Vision
•Binocular Vision
•Field of Vision
•Night Vision

RRB Exam Syllabus
General Knowledge Syllabus
•Indian Constitution
•Current Affairs – National & International
•General Science
•Indian Economy
•History – India & World
•Science & Technology
•Indian Polity
•Indian Geography
•Indian Culture & Heritage etc.

Arithmetic Ability Syllabus
•Pipes & Cisterns
•Boats & Streams
•Profit and Loss
•Time & Work
•Time & Distance
•Problems on Ages
•Data Interpretation etc.

General Intelligence Syllabus
•Space Visualization
•Decision Making
•Arithmetical Number Series
•Visual memory
•Relationship Concepts
•Arithmetical Reasoning
•Verbal and Figure Classification etc.

General Science Syllabus
•Environmental Studies etc.

Eligibility Criteria for RRB Railway Exam

Educational qualification: Graduation in any field/ 10 /12 (depends on the job type).
Age Limit: Candidates lie be lie between from 18 – 32 years. Age relaxation is 5 years For SC/ST, 3 years for OBC.

Exam Pattern: In RRB examination, there are four subjects that are General Awareness, Arithmetic ability, Reasoning, General Intelligence. There are total 100 questions and each question is of one mark. Time duration is 90 minutes.

Best Railway Coaching in Chandigarh

•They have proficient and expert teacher s who teaches their students in their specialization subjects.
•Notes are made by their own teachers which can be easily understandable by the students.
•They provide coaching classes for railway exam for evening and morning batches. Also weekend for those who are wanted to join us at weekend.
•Practice sets are given to the students for practice to make strong in their subjects.
Candidates that want to start preparing for RRB railways post can use this opportunity. Railway coaching in Chandigarh provides you a great opportunity.

RRB Exams Coaching in Chandigarh
CDS Coaching in Chandigarh
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