Six Months Industrial Training in Chandigarh

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20+ Six Months Industrial Training in Chandigarh

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Zoom Infotech
Sector 44
#1441 Ground Floor, Sector 44 B, Chandigarh
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Ayushmaan Designs
Near Chandigarh
Office No 126, First Floor, Golden Square, Chandigarh Ambala Highway, Zirakpur HO, Pin Code-140603, Chandigarh
Mind Roots Trainers
Sector 34
SCO 146 - 147, Basement, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh
Sector 34
Sco 50-51, Sector 34- A, Chandigarh
Webcom Technologies
Sector 34
Sco No 114-115, Level III, Phase A, Backside Drop In Restaurant, Pin Code-160034, Chandigarh
01725050544  9216242412
Betuned Solutions
Near Chandigarh
Office No. 2, Wadhawa Nagar, Back Side of Dolphin Hotel, Panchkula-Kalka Highway, Chandigarh
09914487960  9780337010
Friendmile Software
Sector 17
SCO- 11-12, Sector 17-B, Chandigarh
01725070113  9876130113
Six Months Industrial Training in Chandigarh
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Six Months Industrial Training - Chandigarh

There are so many benefits of getting industrial training, especially if you are an engineering student because you have so many options to make your career in different fields like web designing, web development, digital marketing, software testing, graphic designing, creative designing, Android app development, iOS app development, and so on. Whether you are studying in an extremely popular college or university, it doesn’t matter because if you’re technically poor, no organization will offer you a good job.

In India, as we know, schools & colleges don’t provide as much practical knowledge to students, which is given in international countries. But our nation's candidates have an opportunity to attend six months of industrial training in Chandigarh or at different places to learn new inventions and technologies that help earn more money in the corporate world and fulfill job-related dreams.

Have you done with your 12th, graduation, or post-graduation? If yes, you need to choose the best industrial training center for learning your first course. To make your work hassle-free, Grotal has already prepared a list of some training institutes to get six months of industrial training in Chandigarh that you can check and compare based on their popularity, ratings & reviews.

Why Trust Grotal?

Grotal is a trustworthy and many-year-old search engine in India that contains the entire business’ information of every institute, such as email id, contact number, website, and company’s description to help you reach the right place for taking six months of industrial training in Chandigarh.

Advantages of Getting 6 months training in Chandigarh

100% job support in software or IT companies.
Practical guidance on the course that you choose for making a career.
A chance to meet professional trainers and students from different regions.
Provide comprehensive knowledge regarding the latest tools and technologies.
Conduct quiz sessions, mock tests, face to face questioning interviews to increase your knowledge.
Doubt clearing sessions before your interviews in the organization.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What are various industrial training institute courses to learn in Chandigarh?

Ans. There are several six weeks/months training courses offered in Chandigarh. Some of them are given below:
Digital Marketing.
Big Data Hadoop.
Web Designing.
WordPress Development / PHP.
Mobile App Development (Android & iOS).
Cloud Computing.
Data Science.
Artificial Intelligence.
Core & Advanced Java Development.
Python Development.
Software Testing (Manual & Automation).

Q. Is there any certification provided by training institutes for six weeks of industrial training?

Ans. Yes, many Chandigarh-based institutes provide certification upon the completion of an IT course so that you can give weightage to your resume and show companies as proof during the interview time.

Q. What is the expected cost for studying web designing course in Chandigarh?

Ans. The average fee for studying the web designing courses in Chandigarh can lie between Rs. 12,000 & Rs. 25,000.

Q. How can I know which training institute is the best for me?

Ans. There are various factors that can help you know whether a training institute is the best for you or not. For example, you can check the reviews about institutes either on social media or on the company's official website.