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08212548315, 9686677236


JSS Technical Institutions Campus, Manasagangothri, Mysore


www.jsspph.org Website

About Website: Fax: 0821-2548316 Email Id: jsspph@hotmail.com Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswmigalavaru, its Founder President, JSS Mahavidyapeetha took up a challenging task of establishing a Polytechnic for the Differently Abled (i.e., Handicapped) in 1991.

Deals in: Architecture Diploma Courses, Commercial Practice Diploma Courses, Computer Science and Engineering Diploma Courses, Jewellery Design and Technology Diploma Courses, Electronics and Communication Engineering Diploma Courses, Computer Applications Diploma Courses, JSS Polytechnic for the Differently Abled, Training Institutes

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