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153, IInd Floor, Raghuleela Mall, Opp. Vashi Raly Station Vashi, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


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Reviews of Excel College of Higher Education

I have completedmy Diploma in Electrical Engineering ( 3 years regular ) and AMIE Section 'A'.I wishto do B TECH Electrical DISTANT Education. Kindly advise me regarding Lateral entry based on AMIE-Section A.

chidananda swamy math

Dear sir, i want to complete electrical diploma therefore i want details for same. my mail ID is zaheerans@gmail.com Thanks & Regards, Zaheer Ansari

Zaheer Ansari

Dear Sir, I would like take admission for mechanical or computer technology. It is requested please send me the all details regarding on course on my following id: am17409@gmail.com

Abhishek Mukherjee

Dear sir, I want to admission in a diploma for mechanical in shipping but I am confused. Sir, I am requesting to you to help me and send me some details about this course. My mail id is sachidanand.yadav555@gmail.com.

sachidanand yadav

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