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Weather Details Karur

Karur is situated in the northeast region and the average daily temperature of the city is 24°C. May to June are the hottest months as the temperature reaches to 39°C during this period and December to January is the coldest time in the city. The average annual rainfall of the city is 615 mm. Weather detail of the Karur are given below:-

Months Maximum Minimum

January 31.16°C 18.70°C

February 33.05°C 20.30°C

March 35.76°C 22.60°C

April 36.87°C 25.00°C

May 35.81°C 25.20°C

June 37.00°C 24.70°C

July 35.65°C 24.00°C

August 35.36°C 23.70°C

September 35.42°C 23.70°C

October 33.13°C 23.00°C

November 30.73°C 21.50°C

December 30.28°C 19.70°C

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