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Fairs and Festivals Kullu

Festivals and fairs are celebrated in distinctive style that is the symbol of the culture and the religious belief of the valley.

Dussehra: In the valley of kullu the dussehra celebrated in dhalpur maidan. The dusshera celebrations are very unique in the valley. In India the dussehra of kullu is an international fair festival. It is week long festival starts when dussehra come to an end in the rest of the country. The effigies of 'Ravana', 'Meghanath' and 'Kumbhkaran' are not burnt in kullu like the other parts of the country. Whole valley is taken over of euphoria of dussehra. The origin of kullu dusshera come into existence when the king 'Jaganand' installed an idol of 'Raghunath' or lord 'Rama' on his throne as a mark of penance in 17th century. The idol of lord 'Raghunath' with other dities are taken in procession. During the whole week enthusiasm and the joy are on the peak. Ramlila is performed in these days. Dussehra attracts around the world large no. of visitors.

Birshu: On the first day the temples are decorated on the occassion of birshu. It is a rural fair celebrated during second half of april and first half of may. The fair is started with the worship of god.

Phagli of Malana: This fair is celebrated to commensurate the victory of jamlu devta over the tundu raksh. The people wear yellow grass on their attire and greet each other by giving yellow grass. It is celebrated in mid february to the first half of the march.

Pipal Jatra : 'Pipal Jatras' are two traditional name 'Vasantotasava' and 'Rai-ri-Jach'. It is celebrated in dhaulpur maidan in the month april on the arrival of spring festival. On the occassion of this festival the classivla music songs, dances and cultural programs are organized. The deities from related villages also taken in the fair.

Sharhi Jatra: It is also the important fair in kullu celebrated in Jaishtha month. The fair celebrated in naggar for three days. The fair celebrated before 'Tripura Sundri' temple during jaishtha month (second half of may and first half of june). Natti is the main attraction of this fair.

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