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Weather Detail Ooty

Ooty is situated 11.41’ north and 76.70’ east and climate of the town is very subtropical. March to July is the summer season; it is hot in the day and cold at nights.

The average high temperature of Ooty reaches at 17 to 20’ C. January and February is the coldest month with temperature 5 to 12’ C. The average rainfall of the Ooty is 1250 mm. The weather detail of Ooty is given below:-

Months Normal Warmest Coldest

January 26.8’C 31.6’C 22.0’C

February 27.7’C 32.0’C 23.4’C

March 28.9’C 32.7’C 25.0’C

April 29.6’C 33.1’C 26.1’C

May 29.1’C 32.4’C 25.8’C

June 26.7’C 29.4’C 24.0’C

July 26.0’C 28.4’C 23.5’C

August 25.9’C 28.3’C 23.5’C

September 26.8’C 29.5’C 24.0’C

October 27.3’C 30.6’C 24.0’C

November 27.5’C 31.3’C 23.6’C

December 27.2’C 31.6’C 22.7’C

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