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Website and Reviews of Dr Manpreet Sethi

C-401, Gitanjali Apartments, Vikas Marg Extension, Delhi
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Reviews and Rating of Dr Manpreet Sethi Delhi

Very Good
2 Reviews
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Gaurav MattaGaurav Matta
Beware of her. She won't mind giving wrong advice, if the same helps her getting more commission from Hospitals like Pushpanjali, which are less of Hospitals and more of Business Centres. Shame on doctors like this 25 May 2012
Girish ManchandaGirish Manchanda
Beware of Dr. Manpreet Sethi. She suggested us to admit our new born son to Pushpanjali hospital citing severe jaundice, whereas jaundice at that time was very normal. We luckily cross checked the same report from other doctor, and he confirmed it. 25 May 2012
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