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Bannerghatta National Park Bangalore


Bannerghatta national park is just 23 km South of Bangalore City in Bangalore (Urban) District. It's a sight to quicken the pulse; to thrill visitors unused to the behaviour of wild animals; to amaze even the tourist skeptical of safaris that all too often resemble a visit to the zoo. This park was established in 1971. The park is made up of 10 Reserve forests of the Anekal Range of the Bangalore Forest Division. Surrounded by hills dotted with ancient temples, the park lies on the Bannerghatta road. The terrain is interspersed with valleys, streams and scientific spots. The main parkland vegetation is dry decidious forests and thorny scrub with patches of moist decidious forests. It's crisscrossed by streams that fill up in the monsoons.


The wild expanse of this small but important National Park, located just beyond the Bannerghatta Biological Park, is home to wild Asiatic Elephants. The two natural predators here are the leapord and the wild dog. The forests here are also home to barking deer, sambar, sloth bear, wild pig and at least 180 species of birds.  


A pair of lions, a regally maned male and his dignified mate, gambol beside a water source. Bannerghatta Biological park is the Bangalore's favorite gateway. You can sign on for Jungle Lodges Resorts (JLR) night stay package, which includes all safaris and meals. Go for Grand Safari in the safari van. The Grand Safari includes the Lion Safari, the Tiger safari and the Bear safari. The park has 28 bears, some of which have been rehabilitated from circuses. The safaris, stage- managed or not, make the Bannerghatta visit fully worth the time and money. It is quite something to imagine these roars reverberating across an open jungle; an awesome sound that can only be described as thrilling. Then you can have a 40-min walk through the Herbivore safari grounds. The walk yields sights aplenty.


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